Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dearest daughters...

My dearest daughter [your name here],

I know that you are struggling, and this is why you feel that I am not with you. You look around at your situation, and you let everything around you overwhelm you, so that you cannot see Me. The truth, darling, is that I am still here. I am as close as ever, sitting next to you in class and at work, riding in your car, enjoying good times with your friends, and pursuing daily goals. Even if those things disappear, I am here, sweet girl, I am always here. There’s a song by Audio Adrenaline that talks about my devotion to you: “I’d leave 99, leave them all behind, to find you… for you alone,” so take heart, dear, because nothing can separate us.

I know that sometimes your fears far outweigh your peace. You fear failure, rejection, and a long list of other possibilities. Daughter, I know that you have experienced pain. I know that some of your fears have become reality at different points. But this does not define you; it is not who you are. You are worthy of love. You are kind, gentle, joyful, intuitive, and brave. You sometimes think that smiling and laughing easily is a fault, that it makes you look silly or odd, but it’s how I made you. Your joy spreads to others; never be afraid to be joyful and to express your feelings. You have overcome many challenges, and you seek a deeper meaning than surface level in whatever you commit to. Those things bring wisdom.

Daughter, never be afraid to be yourself. There is nothing wrong with that. Stop thinking that everyone will hate you for being you. I created you, and My creation is beautiful, and it deserves to be treated as such. Treat yourself with the kindness and respect that you offer to others. Do not hide away for fear of judgment. I did not create you simply for physical beauty- My plans are much more extravagant than that. I have brought you to where you are, and I would not bring you somewhere that would harm you. Trust Me, sweet girl. I’m so sorry this world has lied to you and left you feeling this way. I’m so sorry you feel vulnerable, unworthy, and forgotten. I need you now, though, to rise from that. I need you to be strong like I know you can be. I need you to speak up for yourself instead of shying away. Make your voice heard, because I have called you to a great plan, and I have made you a leader. I have made you for great things… Things you can’t even imagine. Do not forget that I finish what I start.

Overall, darling, remember that I am with you always, to the end of the age. I love you extravagantly, abundantly, and wholly. I see you, I know you, and I delight in you. You make me proud, joyful, and eager for what is to come. I am so amazed by the way you persevere and the way you love others. In your darkest moments—through every moment--I have been right beside you, holding you. We have laid on the bathroom floor while you cried, and we have danced around your room while you laughed and sang. I have felt your heart break, and it breaks Mine, too. I am working it back together again, but it just takes time, because you have so much to learn about Me and My love for you. I need you to trust Me enough to let go. I promise I will not leave you. I cannot promise you that bad things will never happen again, but I do promise you that I am right there through it all, that you are always held, always seen, and always loved.

I cherish you, daughter, I call you “friend.” I delight in you. Precious daughter, hold on- fear not. My love will never leave you. You could never do anything that would change the absolute joy I find in you. I know that you will make mistakes, sometimes bigger than what you can fix, and I know you have regrets. Lay them on me, all of your burdens, and let me take them. Let me make you new again. My grace is abounding, never running out, and I want to give it to you.
Find your beauty and worth in me, not in the world. It will never matter if you meet their expectations or not. Look to Me, seek My face, and stay focused on what I have for you. You can never disappoint Me, because I have seen your entire life before time began… And still I love you- extravagantly, abundantly, wholly. I am all things: mother and father, sister and brother, friend, counselor, king… My list goes on to cover the entire universe. I am everything you need.

Love, Abba


Thank you, precious girl, for taking the time to read this. I hope it has spoken to your heart, and that you feel the overwhelming love of Jesus all around you. Please save a copy of this letter, with your name inserted wherever you'd like, and keep it to read when you need to. Let these words speak truth over your life and your heart. You are wonderful. I would love to know how this letter has impacted you. You can leave a comment or contact me via Facebook or email.

I want to leave you with this playlist that I think goes nicely with this letter.

  1. Leaving 99- Audio Adrenaline
  2. You're not Alone- Meredith Andrews
  3. You are For Me- Kari Jobe
  4. Hold Me Jesus- Rich Mullins
  5. How He Loves- David Crowder
  6. Come As You Are- Crowder
  7. Let It Be Jesus- Chris Tomlin
  8. Jesus Loves Me- Christ Tomlin
  9. Holy Spirit- Francesca Battistelli
  10. Shoulders- For King & Country
  11. Strong Enough- Stacie Orrico

-Thanks for reading! You can continue to follow my journey here. Prayers are always appreciated. Feel free to send me a prayer or some encouragement, too!
"You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, His generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Christ Jesus. Our God and Father abounds in glory that just pours out into eternity. Yes." -Philippians 4:19-20

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